
Our Story

We know what it’s like to date longer and later in life. We’ve been there too. Our founder dated for 26 years before meeting her Mr. Yes. What felt like a solo journey as her friends found long-term partners evolved into a need to find other women who shared her experiences.

But nothing existed to bring women in their late-30s, 40s, 50s+ together to help them share their dating stories, to learn from one another and connect. Nor was there a gathering place that offered these women dating motivation, support and encouragement to keep believing that they’re worthy and deserving of enduring love. Now, picture more than 20 million single, divorced and widowed women in the US. It’s time that such a place exists.

We celebrate that a woman can live a wonderfully fulfilling, joyous, purposeful and meaningful life without a romantic partner. We embrace and respect that. We also honor that love can be found between any two people, no matter their genders. For those women who want to find a loving life-long companion, we’ve created First Date Stories™, a shared resource of podcasts, questions and answers, tips, inspirations, articles and personalities discussing dating, self-care, lifestyle and more.

Remember to keep going on first dates. Because beyond your next first date may be the long-term love you are seeking.

Meet Our Featured Contributors

Our Founder

Jodi Klein

Jodi knows a lot about dating – especially in your late 30s and beyond. A successful businesswoman, she went on nearly 400 dates, experiencing firsthand the excitement, joys, challenges, frustrations and self-doubt that comprise the emotional roller coaster of dating.

Jodi recognized a need – a place that offers support, inspiration and camaraderie for female daters in midlife. That’s why she created First Date Stories. It’s a hangout to share stories, find tips and tools, get motivated and connect with other women. Jodi’s mission for First Date Stories is to help women be the best they can be by inspiring confidence and resilience as they maneuver through the dating scene.

This is not Jodi’s first entrepreneurial venture. After over a decade of marketing experience in Silicon Valley, she formed Klein Consulting to help emerging businesses with their marketing endeavors. Jodi obtained a B.A. in International Relations from UC Davis and an M.B.A. from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.  Jodi and her husband live in San Francisco. Her favorite thing to do on a first date was to meet for a drink of any kind.

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