Stories of Women Dating in their 40’s

Erin and Sara

Erin and Sara

The saying “timing is everything” definitely applies to dating. Comedian Erin Foley’s three year relationship had just ended when she and Sara went out on their first date. The evening went hilariously sideways. Hear what happened next and whether time was on their side.

Leelah and Jack

Leelah and Jack

“Why am I not married yet?” is a question Leelah asked herself. She’d expected to be married long before she reached her late 40s. Leelah knew what she wanted and needed from a healthy loving relationship, but hadn’t found it with any of her ex-boyfriends. One night, not long after a breakup, she showed up at a potluck dinner with a rotisserie chicken. So did Jack. Was that a sign that they had something, in addition to a fondness for poultry, in common? Find out.

Isabel and Zane

Isabel and Zane

It’s said that you need to know yourself before you can know who the right partner is for you. Isabel returns to the podcast to talk about how the unexpected happened when she focused on her own personal growth and embraced her vulnerabilities.

Ruth and Mark

Ruth and Mark

Blind dates can be a good way to meet men. Sometimes people make presumptions about who they’re going out with based on what they know about the person who made the introduction. When a friend set Ruth up with Mark, she made a lot of assumptions about him that turned out to be very wrong.

Penny and Jay

Penny and Jay

Is it possible to find love when you least expect it? Penny is a teacher in her 40s who’d given up on online dating. When the pandemic hit, she got creative and used her passion for cosplay to uplift her students. She never imagined where this act of kindness would lead her.

 Laura and Ivan

Laura and Ivan

When Laura realized she wanted a life partner, she took a project-like approach to finding love. Find out what happened when Laura and Ivan connected first through OKCupid, and then again, unintentionally, through one year later.

Denise and Brad

Denise and Brad

Denise became a widow in her early 40s. After years of grieving her tragic loss, she emerged armed with humor and a positive attitude and started dating online. Friends told her she’d hate it, but she didn’t. Hear how Denise moved forward and about her first date with Brad.

 Monica and Scott

Monica and Scott

Monica was devastated when her physician husband of 21 years left her for his nurse. A bitter divorce followed. A friend eventually convinced her to start dating again. Monica shares how she found bravery within and went on a memorable first post-divorce date with Scott.

 Maxine and Brian

Maxine and Brian

For our Season 2 premiere, we explore dating and heavy drinking. Maxine used to get drunk on dates to deal with her nervousness and ended up in relationships with the wrong men. Hear about her date with Brian, how she awoke to her unhealthy dating pattern, and what she did about it.