
Janine and Kevin

Janine and Kevin

Do you wonder whether you’ll ever meet a man who is the right partner for the woman you’ve become? Janine did. She’d left her quarter-of-a-century marriage. When the pandemic began eight years later, she had a successful career and the wisdom that comes from decades of self-development. On our Season 4 finale, Janine shares how she approached dating as an adventure, came close to giving up on her search, and took a series of remarkable risks that has led her to the love she was seeking.

Janine and Kevin

Janine and Kevin

The following is the transcript for this podcast episode.: Jodi: Hi, Janine. Thank you for joining me this episode to share your first date story. Janine: Jodi, it’s so great to be here. Thank you. Jodi: I am really excited to delve into your story today. Before we do that though, I’d love it if you would share a bit about yourself, so that listeners get a sense of who you are. Janine: Thank you, Jodi. It’s exciting to be here as well. I am…

Sandy and the Liverpool Dude

Sandy and the Liverpool Dude

How do you handle things when a date you’re excited to go on leads to the ultimate dating disappointment? Sandy knows the answer. She and the Liverpool Dude had matched on Bumble. They talked for hours on the phone and texted multiple times. There was a palpable connection. She said “yes” to a first date. Listen to discover what happened next.

Sandy and the Liverpool Dude

Sandy and the Liverpool Dude

The following is the transcript for this podcast episode.: Jodi:  Welcome Sandy! It’s fabulous to have you as my guest this episode. Thank you so much for coming on the show. Sandy: Oh, I’m so excited to be here Jodi! Thank you for having me. Jodi: This is going to be terrific. We are going to get into a date that you went on and talk all about it, but not yet. I first want to ask that you share some things about yourself with…

Carolyn and Her Fifty First Dates

Carolyn and Her Fifty First Dates

It’s not unusual to date the same kind of person again and again, but Carolyn didn’t want to do that. Following a breakup, she decided to date a wide variety of types of men so that she could identify the qualities she wanted in a long-term partner. She named her adventure the “Fifty First Dates Project.” Find out what happened, what she learned during her two and a half year dating odyssey, and whether it led her to her Mr. Yes.

Carolyn and Her Fifty First Dates

Carolyn and Her Fifty First Dates

The following is the transcript for this podcast episode.: Jodi: Welcome Carolyn! Thanks for coming on the podcast this episode. Carolyn: Well, thank you, Jodi. I’m so honored to be on your podcast. Jodi: It is terrific to have you here and I’m looking forward to the conversation that we’re going to have because this one is going to be unlike any other podcast episode that I have recorded to date. You’ve come on the podcast to do something that a guest has never done…