Special Episode: Can I Trust Him?

Can I Trust Him?

“Can I trust him?” is a question that most every woman asks herself after starting to date a new man. If the answer is “No,” the relationship is doomed to fail. That’s why it’s important that you look for “trust clues” early on.

In this special episode, Jodi’s guest, relationship coach Gail Weiner, LMFT, identifies critical trust clues for you to detect in dating profiles, early communications and on first dates so you are better able to answer that question straight away.

Read the Transcript

Season 3, Episode 10

Read Gail Weiner’s article Why Does He Only Talk About Himself?

Schedule a complimentary one-hour consult on the biggest romantic challenge that you’re facing right now with Gail Weiner, LMFT, and founder of Datewise.

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